We've answered some of our frequently asked questions.
Take a look here to find your answers.

We've answered some of our frequently asked questions. Take a look here to find your answers.

How does it work?

Easy peasy.

You provide us with your company info, and we will onboard you as a client to EMR Finance.

Once you're onboarded, you will head over to our EMR Finance Portal and upload your invoices that require payment. We take the debt on, and you receive payment immediately for those invoices.

How long does it take for me to receive funds?

Quicker than quick.

You'll receive funds within 24 hours of uploading your invoices.

What happens if an invoice isn't paid?

"Recourse Factoring"

We purchase invoices from our customers on the basis that it is collectible.

In the unfortunate event that an invoice isn't paid, we will then provide a Recourse Factoring service which means the invoice would then be recoursed back to the client if it is not paid, disputed or incorrect.

What happens if a customer pays me?

If a customer sends a payment to you, you must forward that payment to us. If you don’t, the debt will remain outstanding with the factor.

This scenario may occur when you first start working with us at EMR Finance. Any new clients may initially set up your accounts payable account with the incorrect payment details. But a straightforward phone call to the client should prevent any new payments from being sent to the wrong place again.

How do I get started?

Fill out the info below and away we go.

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